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Are Google and Facebook really suppressing conservative ...
Conservatives to Google: Explain your censorship! - WND
Veritas: Google Blocked NewsBusters, Other Conservative ...
Aug 14, 2019 · Google used a blacklist and a blocklist for search results. And those two lists reportedly blocked a large amount of conservative content from the app — including NewsBusters. A Google whistleblower, Zachary Vorhies, shared several documents with James O’Keefe and Project Veritas that were released August 14.
Conservative Leaders Call On Google To Explain Reports Of ...
Report: Google is biased against conservative websites ...
Sep 12, 2017 · A new research report written by mathematician and DefyCCC editor, Leo Goldstein, alleged that Google's search function is biased against conservative news sites, and specifically notes that the topics of climate change and general politics are impacted as a result. Goldstein's findings According to Goldstein's report, which was based on research c
- Author: Sarah Taylor
Google is blocking conservative new sites in searches ...
re: Google is blocking conservative new sites in searches Posted by Collegedropout on 10/25/17 at 9:03 am to Jjdoc I wanted to listen to some Anita Bryant on Youtube and all the top videos are videos bitching about her views on gays.
Google Blocks Conservative Websites (Updated)
Report: Internet Giants Block Faith-Based Content
Are Facebook, Apple and Google Censoring Christian Speech ...
May 25, 2012 · Google has committed past practices of anti-religious censorship. For content reasons, it refused to accept a pro-life advertisement from a Christian organization, an issue that prompted litigation in England. Google is also alleged to have blocked a website in America that had conservative Christian content.